Choosing the right adhesive for the job is crucial to get the best results. And that means using a quality glue that is both durable, and compatible.
To correctly advise you we need to know if the adhesive is for floor tiles, or wall tiles, indoors or out. Are the tiles ceramic or porcelain? Are you fixing them to a cement floor or wall, cement sheeting, plasterboard?
All of these factors are important to protect not only the finished job, but also your reputation as a quality tradesperson on the Sunshine Coast.
Here at Tilers Trade Centre, we stock only proven products from leading manufacturers. We make sure you have what you need to get the job done right.
And don’t forget, we offer FREE DELIVERY from Caloundra South to Cooroy.
Mapei has created a Ultralite S2 T Flex high performance, lightweight adhesive with a high yield.
Available in Grey and White it is easy to apply by trowel with excellent back buttering capacities
Suitable for ceramic, mosaic and stone tiles, particularly large format tiles.
Sika has re-branded the Davco SMP EVO to the new and Improved EVO-PRO Sikatile -400.
Commercial Grade
Dustless Technology suitable for swimming pools and Spa’s, non-slump and suited to large format tiles is easy to use for Floor and Wall tiling
Suitable substrates include concrete, cement sheeting, rendered brick and blockwork and has been approved for under Water Proofing membranes and with acoustic underlays
Ceramic and porcelain tiles as well as mosaic’s, marble, granite, engineered stone.
However not suitable for moisture sensitive tiles and stone
White in color 20kg bags
SIKA EVO PRO Data Sheet – formerly SMP EVO
Pre-blended, ready-to-use, quick-setting and drying (24 hours), controlled-shrinkage mortar for screeds.
Mixing ratio: 20 kg bags of MAPECEM PRONTO with approximately 1.5 – 1.7 litres of water.
Workability time: 20-30 minutes.
Light foot traffic: after 2-3 hours.
Work Time for tiling 3hrs
Storage: 12 months.
Available in 20 kg bags.
Supamastic made by the renowned Company Sika is Bucket of pre-mixed glue suitable for Residential internal wall applications.
Fibre cement sheets, Plasterboard, tile underlay, brickwork or blockwork are all suitable
Available in 15L buckets will cover approx. 11m2 with a 6mm Trowel
White in colour
With a thickness of Max. 4mm it can be grouted over in 24hrs
Urban Commercial the TTC QLD Premium Polymer Modified Tile Adhesive C2ETS1
Each 20kg bag will cover approx. 11m2 with a 6mm Notch trowel
Pot life approx. 3hrs and setting time Min 20hrs @23%
Suitable for Internal & External Walls & Floors, cement sheeting and green screed or cement after 7 days and Swimming Pools
Allow pools to cure for 7 days before tiling or Filling with Water
Not suitable for Fibreglass membranes, plastics, moisture sensitive stone or metals
Mixing a 20kg bag with approx. 5.5 litres of water to create smooth, lump free toothpaste consistency, mixing twice of course
URBAN COMMERCIAL Safety Data Sheet TTC QLD Urban Commercial